24-25 August 2013: Pine Mountain RV Resort

Well, we continue one-by-one to introduce the grandkids to the “camping experience.” This time was granddaughter #2, Ansley, Age 4. We decided that, at her age: (1) she really needs at least one parent to come along, (2) “camping” is a relative term and probably means little more than sleeping in the motorhome, (3) activities like a swimming pool, bike riding, and S’mores by a campfire mean more than an in-the-woods experience, and (4) she doesn’t know the difference between a 20-mile trip and the 200-mile alternative, so something close is better than something far. With all of those factors, we decided on the Pine Mountain RV Resort, all of 22 miles away from the house.
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All set up on the couch, some random princess in hand (I think this one is Ariel, but as explained in an earlier posting, I don’t get the whole princess thing.)
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We were situated in the new area of the campground, which really hasn’t grown up yet. But it was next to the pool and came with full hook-ups and cable TV (which we didn’t watch). A full review of the campground is located here.

Upon arrival and after a quick lunch, we headed off to the Callaway Gardens butterfly house.
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Unfortunately, though, it was one of those moments-with-a-four-year-old when the early warning signs of fatigue, coupled with a potentially short fuse, meant that retreat was preferable to defeat so it was time to beat feet, and back to the campground we went.

Which was fine… an afternoon of swimming …
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Followed by dinner, a campfire, and s’mores…
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…led to an early bedtime.

And the next morning saw the traditional bacon-egg-cheese bun (which, yet again, the LD showed no interest in even trying … what’s wrong with the children?).

And a lunchtime departure for the L-O-N-G (ha ha) drive (22 miles) back home. The full photo album of the trip is located here.

Overall statistics:
Trip miles: 44 (no kidding)
Fuel cost: $0 (not worth filling up)
Camping cost: $45
Overall value: Priceless.